Sunday, June 6, 2010

A sample of pics

OK... I realized I don't have a converter for my adapter so I'll try to get one tomorrow. Here is a sampling of pics since Spain! No particular order

ESVI at Piraeus

Being ferried to Andros

The Parthenon
ESVI at Andros... see the lifeboat in the center?

The Cadet lounge (where they watch movies). Notice the exhaustion!

Lifeboat Drills


Cadets on deck
Michelle, what is this?

Andros - an old arch leading to a tower. The cadets were "cliff diving around here"

Cadets "cliff diving" at Andros

Andros - debarkation

Cadet getting the courage to jump - Andros

ESVI at Andros

Street in Andros

Me at the Acropolis

Sign on a gas meter welcoming ESVI to Andros

My cabin - evidence of the work they had to do

At the Acropolis. It was windy

Students in Library
Lifeboat drills

Dolphins at the Prow. Courtesy of Laura Botel

ESVI at Piraeus
Students at the library
Students at the library. Notice book in girl's hand!

Students during Sunday at Sea
Preparing for Hydra. Notice temporary floating dock.

Sunday at sea BBQ
Preparing for Andros

The lifeboat

Shot of the maindeck port side

Instructors Palmiotti, Capt. Stephens, Art Sulzer, McKoy and Ducy. Mate Mahanna in b/g center

Sunset in the Med.
Random shot
More lifeboat drills

Dolphin movie courtesy of Laura B.


  1. Thank you Laura.B and Joe. Many of us wish we were having such an adventurous summer. All the best in Greece.

  2. Thank you for the great pics and video!

  3. joe,
    once again you outdid yourself. i really enjoyed the photos. last time i saw my son in cadets tieing knots. this time he isnt there but the pictures are great. hope you are enjoying your trip.

  4. I'm not sure what type of pastry that is? It looks like some kind of baklava. Sorry :P

  5. Joe, Great pics...I might have to 'borrow' one or two...hope it's ok!

  6. As always thanks for the Updates Joe! We really enjoyed the photos and the waters of Andros look as beautiful as they have been described. I'll bet the cadets really enjoyed the cliff diving. I'm a bit nervous just looking at the photos! Enjoy your time in Greece! Happy Blogging!

  7. Great pictures Joe, thanks. How many did you say fit in those lifeboats?

  8. The video is wonderful, I really like the sunset,too. Tried to send you a pic but couldn't get it through. The pastry reminds me of a strudel and it looks delicious.

  9. Live Web Cam of the Empire State VI in port.

  10. Nice pictures! Thank you. But in three cruises I have never seen a picture of my son! He's a senior now. Any chance? Is he really on the boat???
    Melanie Bonanza
