Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lovely Majorca (or Islands that I Want to Go to but Can’t)

3° 5.172' E by 40° 2.688' N. Course: 270° Speed: 8.0 knots

Allow me an indulgence to express my annoyance at doing concentric circles
around lovely islands without any intention of stopping there. This
annoyance, while not as great as Atlantic Sea Disease, is more insidious
in its demoralizing and soul-sapping nature.

Majorca, which is the island we are circling now is a beautiful island and
according to one of the officers is a “really great port.” Of course he
thought I was joking when I asked him to pull over the ship so we can get
out, even for half a day….

With my plea not working, I am now given to looking at the island whenever
I come out of the hold (a.k.a. the library) and musing about it. I should
really try a hand at a poem… there is nothing quite so stirring to the
blood as a good nautical poem. Take Coleridge for example! OK, here we
go… *ahem*


Across the water I saw a port,
Its shiny town where one can cavort.
But no no no, we can’t go there,
There are drills to do while the weather’s fair.

Oh Majorca is said to be really great,
I’m sorry that we can’t be there and stay up late,
And do some Hanging out in the sun,
Because there is work to do and no time for fun.

Hmmm that’s about all I can do right now… I believe my librarian
colleague who is also a poet will be having convulsions when she reads
that (even more than you gentle reader). I know there is something to be
said for non-rhyming verse, but I think nautical poetry should have a good
canter to it.

Today was a great day for the library because there was a virus on the
computers in the computer lab. What *that* meant is that the library
computers gained a whole new fan base. I believe I’ve had about thirty
students today who didn’t know that the library existed but somehow
sniffed out the pheromone trail of email like an ant colony.

Of course this has created a waiting line of students to use the computer
which means that I had students borrowing all my tourist port guides for
Piraeus and Athens. This has been a serious distraction to my work of
making up port guides for them.

Right now, I am compiling a list of beaches that they can go to. I still
wonder about this… if you are going to be in Athens--on Classic Ground--
the land of Socrates, Thucydides, and Aristotle do you really want to
pretend you are on the Jersey Shore with Snookie and the Situation? (I
confess I’ve watched that show with the soul of a crack addict). Anyway,
I have a whole list of beaches here, and probably the most interesting is
one that is on this island that they would have to take a ferry to. I am
on the fence, however, about including this one since I am putting trust
in our youth to find their way there and back.

I also probably had one of my most interesting reference questions of the
day. I had a student looking for a Star Wars book. Now, as you know,
there are many strong opinions concerning Star Wars and especially the
newer crappier three movies (I am really unbiased I promise – the newer
movies objectively stink). Anyway, I get him our only Star Wars novel,
“Dark Force Rising” and as I check it out I couldn’t help but ask, “So do
you like the newer movies?” His response was an affirmative. I then say
that I need to buy the older ones and maybe show a Star Wars marathon to
which he responded, the older movies would be better if they redid them…
“you know, with more awesome special effects to make them more exciting..”

My stomach curdled at this iconoclast who wants to change what Lucas has
already changed. And if you don’t know what I am referring to please
Google: “Did Greedo shoot first?” Come on… its not the special effects
that makes something exciting, it’s the plot!

Enough of the pop culture… onto the weather…

Weather has been humid and growing hot. The seas, however, have been
especially calm as we do our concentric loops. Much to my dismay, one
of the yeoman told me she saw a DOLPHIN. I really have to have the bridge
alert me to these things.

All else seems quiet and peaceful today.

Fair Winds and Following Seas,

P.S. A special note to the parents of Patrick Collins. He refused to
have his picture taken tonight, being not especially neat and trim and
just off duty, but he does wish to present his kindest hellos. He also
would like to present a most happy and felicitous birthday greetings to,
Ellen, his special somebody. Happy Birthday Ellen!


  1. poem thus far, considering, is actually good. Well, done Joe. To bad about not convincing the captain to dock at Majorca.

  2. ps. really nice bouquet and Happy Anniversary to you and Michelle.:)

  3. Thanks again for a great blog post. Kudos to the poet lauriet of the TSES.

  4. Once again an entertaining entry. Like you, my son will be flying home from Dublin. However, were you to remain on the ship, I would continue to read your entries for the second leg as they are quite amusing. Your successor will have some big shoes to fill in keeping the 1st class parents informed.

  5. your successor won't fit into those shoes! Your blogs will be missed...

  6. Anyone know why the ship's tracker would show the ship on the Portuga/Spain border?

  7. Haha, great stuff! Could you take more photos around the ship? Like of movie night, the computer lab, the mess hall and such? It'd be neat to see more of the daily life. :)

  8. If his successor is the same guy from last year then you will find yourself equally amused. I kept a box of tissues handy last year to wipe away the tears streaming down my face from the laughing!! Joe is fantastic and if Rich Delbango is taking over after him you will all want to follow along whether you have a cadet on board or not. Here is the link for his blog last year...

    King Neptune and the Blue Noses, Sounds of the Sea, and Rockin' and Rollin' were particularly good ones!

    Love these Blogs! I don't know what I'd do without them! Happy Blogging!

  9. To Linda, To be fair to the cadets some of them are a little less than seasoned sailors. The Summer Cruise is a hands on learning opportunity. Sometimes a cadet inadvertantly puts in an incorrect coordinate and BANGO! The ship is 200 miles off course in the middle of Main Street
    Portugal! Last year it appeared that the ship had done an about face and gone back 100 miles or so at one point. It happens. Safe to say the Empire State hasn't run aground and the poor cadet who made the error will never live it down .

  10. Thank you Joe! I sure hope these parents are not accurate, and you're staying on for the full 90 days! Just think, you'd get to pass the Rock of G 4 times!

  11. Dear Joe, I know how busy you are so I have taken some poetic license. I'm not sure if you are still off Majorca but I have written a rhyming poem for you regarding your plight. I guess I have too much time on my hands. Please be kind. Here goes!

    Off the starboard side Majorca lies,
    palms trees, beaches, and sunny skies!
    At the railings we all stand,
    on hot metals decks instead of sand.

    Looking through squinted eyes and glasses
    at pretty streets and lovely lasses! (with apologies to the female cadets)
    We comment aloud, "Why won't they let us,
    It's not like we have that many demerits!"

    It must be time for a drill in the lifeboat,
    then toward Majorca we might float!
    Some lovely peace we just might find,
    as we leave engines, sanders, and C.O.s behind!

    A nap on the beach is what we need,
    Jane Fonda's workout was a wearying read.
    The Library's hot, The Engine Room hotter
    the guy on watch is just a whale spotter.

    The shower's cold, the oatmeal old, my ipod is too quiet.
    The tease of being in sight of land will likely cause a riot.
    Oh Captain, Dear Captain, Please hear our plea,
    and to Majorca let us flee!

    We promise to be back on time and unassisted we will climb,
    back to the decks and rolling brine.
    As we take our places noses to slate,
    Upon the Sturdy Empire State!

  12. LOL! Joe has painted such a clear picture of the trip that I realkly cant take too much credit! I can see it all in my mind. I guess it helped as I managed to use much of what he has written about. I hope he enjoys it as much as you did.

  13. Love your poem Mrs. H. I am sure Joe will much appreciate it.
